Hello, foodies…
I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas. I’m in North Carolina for the holiday visiting my family. I hope you all spend at least a little time with family, friends, and loved ones over the next few days doing all of your favorite things.
There won’t be an In the Kitchen with David this Wednesday since QVC closes on December 25. But, you can tune all day and watch some of your favorite videos and moments from the year…including a few from In the Kitchen with David. When I think of my favorite moments this year, I immediately think back to the day the ITKWD team visited the Chester County Food Bank.
In this season of giving and caring, I urge you to perform one last random act of kindness if you haven’t already, or you have extra time and resources to share. Visit your local food bank and help give a family in need a Christmas meal. Go caroling at the nursing home down the street. Put some extra bills into those bell-ringers jars. Remember what makes this season so special.
I’m grateful for each and every one of you, foodies. Thanks for another unforgettable year.
Keep it flavorful!