You may have heard somewhere (yes…I’m looking at you, DAVID!) that it’s my birthday today. And it’s a big one! Forty fabulous years. But you won’t find me worrying about the number. The bigger the number, the bigger the party, right? AND the bigger the cake.
But milestone birthdays do make you stop and think, don’t they? Like recently, when someone said to me, “You’re handling this whole 40 thing much better than I did.” And it really surprised me. Because I really and truly do believe birthdays are something to celebrate, no matter what the number. Because if you don’t take time to celebrate the good things in your life…well, it’s like missing out on your own party, isn’t it?
So, here’s how I’m partying this birthday – by counting down the 40 things I’m so grateful to celebrate in my life. And you’re invited!
40. Cake! The only thing that’s better than cake, in my opinion, is birthday cake. No matter how many candles are on it.
39. Traditions. When I was a kid, my Mom always made me feel so very special on my birthday. It’s just not a birthday for me if I don’t get the chance to share it with her. And I can’t wait to see what she has in store for my 40th!
38. Party Music. Don’t laugh. I make myself a birthday mix every year. This year, Pitbull’s getting me in the party mood!
37. Good Friends. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful circle of friends to help me celebrate. (And check out that cake!)
36. Good Wine. Pairs well with good friends.
35. Good Food. Enough said!
34. temp-tationistas! Seriously, you’re what keeps me going every day. I am so grateful for all of you, plus…
33. temp-tationisters! Because you guys deserve your own shout out. (And you’ll call me out if I don’t!)
32. Inspiration. I am always on the lookout for new sources of inspiration – in travel, fashion, fine art. I hope I never stop getting distracted by pretty things!
31. Confidence. I’m definitely more sure of myself than I’ve ever been in my life. That kind of confidence doesn’t happen overnight. You have to earn it.
30. Style. You know what feels great? Buying something because I know it looks great on me. In my 20s, I followed the trends. Now, I set my own.
29. Sparkly things. I may be a little obsessed when it comes to jewelry. But it’s soooo much fun!
28. Stepping outside my comfort zone. It’s never easy. But every year, I get a little better at it. Like when I conquered my lifelong fear of horses with my BFF Jen last year. Who knows what my 40th year will have in store!
27. Running. Sure, there are days I just don’t wanna. But sometimes, getting out there and feeling the sun (or, lately, snowflakes) on my face feels like something to celebrate.
26. Giving Back. It’s the best way I know how to say thank you for all the good things in my life.
25.Green Tea. Sometimes it’s the little things.
24. Naps. Especially the ability to nap anywhere. Especially on TSV days.
23. David’s Happy Dance. Because it always reminds me how much I have to be happy about.
22. Having a mentor. I’ve been blessed with many great mentors over the years. A big thank you to Ed and Eric for their support and amazing guidance!
21. Being a mentor.
20. Saying Yes to the things that keep me going.
19. Saying No to the things that drag me down.
18. Persistence. Who knew all those soccer drills would pay off?
17. Perspective.
16. Down Time. It’s never easy for me to get away, but vacations are so important to help me recharge. This is the view from one of my favorite places on earth in Cabo San Lucas.
15. Laughter. Preferably, the kind that almost makes you cry.
14. My best friend, Amy.
13. My goddaughter, Gracyn.
12. Random acts of kindness.
11. Getting a phone call from a friend, out of the blue.
10. Yoga. It so helps me keep calm and centered.
9. Gorgeous Sunsets.
8. When a recipe turns out even better than you expected.
7. Teamwork. I am lucky enough to work with some truly talented people…both at temp-tations and at QVC. And what we can accomplish when we work together is amazing!
6. Meeting temp-tationistas in person. I live for our Live events. Meeting nistas face-to-face is like seeing a long-lost friend.
5. Taking 5 minutes to breathe deeply in the morning before your day begins.
4. Looking Back. Every day, I take a moment to think about where I am and where I’ve been.
3. Family and Memories. My family shaped me to be the person I am today. And temp-tations was built on helping families create life-long memories around the table, just like I have.
2. Fozzie! You didn’t think I would forget him, did you?
1. My temp-tations family. The idea for temp-tations started with me and my mom, Gail. But all of you have become family, including everyone on-set and behind the scenes at QVC. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Thanks for helping me celebrate, 'nistas! I am looking forward to a fabulous birthday today, and an even more fabulous 40th year ahead. How about you? However many candles on your birthday cake this year, what are you looking forward to celebrating?