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Happy April 1st!!


Good afternoon my LCNY fashionistas and Happy April first! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it feels like spring. The Davies household is a rockin'. 

I would like to first announce that Kevin (my youngest) is a graduating senior from high school, has committed to Temple University.  I am so proud of his choice, his accomplishments and the young man he is turning in to. Trust me, with most boys the road has been a bit bumpy.  Now I need to keep him motivated on the end game, graduation.  He is suffering from a severe case of senioritis. :)



As for my first born son, he moved out and into his first post college apartment this weekend. Larry started his job November first and wanted to be in his new place by spring.  Well done!

I am not going to lie, I cried saying goodbye to him Saturday night after we had moved him in.  Larry's response "Mom I am 20 minutes away.....really tears." 

He won't get it until he is kissing his own child good bye. 


By the way, I am over the sadness and feel like I am in one those Staples commercials deciding what to do with his room.  I have already ordered new bedding and lamps....woohoo!  Next on the list is Meghan's wedding.  It is fast approaching and all of a sudden there is so much to do.  The next two months are going to fly by.  I am trying to savor each moment.  I want a lifetime of memories to be stored up so I forget nothing.  You know how you can get so busy you forget to enjoy.  My motto over the next two months is to stop, listen, smell, feel, breathe and enjoy.

Today is April first, a couple of windows are open, the birds are singing, my pot of coffee is on and I am planning the show tomorrow with MBR.  Ahhhhhh, life is good.  See you tomorrow at 9 am my friends ....don't be late....lots of new goodies. 


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