People often ask me how I incorporate fitness into my everyday life.
Well, I simply choose the path of more resistance! By that I mean walking on an unstable surface instead of a flat one; taking the stairs not the elevator; standing over sitting; running over walking; walking fast instead of ambling; sitting before lying; lunging deeper than squatting.
This simple philosophy helps my body stays trim, toned, and strong. But in reality, energy actually follows a path of least resistance so when actually choosing a fitness regimen I always prefer to find tools and systems that incorporate my whole body efficiently, working the deeper stabilizing muscles and joints, while encouraging correct movement and better alignment.
Miguel Latronica is my dear friend and a brilliant inventor. He has developed a portable and functional cross-training tool called the Mighty Body Band (MBB). It has the unique ability to build total-body strength while redefining your core, increasing flexibility, and improving posture. The MBB is fun and easy to use. It works by using the weight of your body for resistance. The patented technology incorporates dynamic suspension so that you can safely get all the benefits of isometric, PNF, plyometric, and other exercise modalities, all while being totally supported.
The Mighty Body Band allows your body to work out at unusual angles. It has pulleys, ropes, and bungees that allow you to easily move from static to dynamic so you can easily customize the band for your height, weight, and ability level.

Imagine the secure feeling of the MBB hugging your hips while you bend forward into downward dog! You can feel it, right? The ability to bend deeper into your back, hips, and legs becomes kinesthetically obvious.
Because the MBB allows you to work at different angles, you're able to challenge your body in so many unfamiliar ways.

The MBB is great for in-home use. Its compact design also makes it a portable exercise and fitness option for the gym or while traveling. I can't recommend this apparatus enough if you want to access and challenge your deeper musculature and encourage balanced movement and better alignment. I love mine so much that I had it permanently installed into my ceiling and I use it regularly after my daily AeroPilates workout.
—Marjolein Brugman