What a whirlwind this past week was! Last Saturday I traveled to the UK to launch my TSV across the pond. I arrived very late Saturday evening and was thrilled to be able to sleep in all day Sunday. I stayed a little further away from London and the QVC studios in the country where I could just relax and have some peace and quiet before the TSV kick-off at midnight Sunday/Monday. But of course that doesn't mean I didn't have time to head out to the shops and scope out the hottest trends!!! Here are some pieces that I found inspiring:
Gorgeous colorful prints galore!
Lots of color and lace!
Polka dots and leather!
I flew back to the states Tuesday evening and arrived home around 2am Wednesday morning and enjoyed a relaxing, calm day to prepare myself for the kickoff of my US TSV that night. Needless to say by the end of the day Thursday, I was ready to curl up in bed after a nice hot cup of tea and sleep! I love to travel and share my designs with everyone in the UK, but of course there's no place like home!
Where is your favorite place to travel? Do you prefer to relax and stay close to home? I love hearing from you!
Please join me this Sunday, March 31st at 4pm and 10pm ET and be the first to see my brand NEW set!!! I can't wait!