On Wednesday, we’re taking a virtual trip to the Army base in Ft. Campbell, KY (which is technically in Kentucky AND Tennessee) It’s a huge training base and home of the Screaming Eagles of the 101st Airborne – the Army’s only Air Assault Division. Similar to some of the other bases we’ve talked about, Ft. Campbell also has active duty service men and women working side-by-side with civilian contractors to provide the latest and greatest in training for our soldiers headed to war zones.
One of those companies is General Dynamics IT Systems at the Ft. Campbell Kinnard Mission Training Complex. They have 65,000 employees comprised of civilians and active soldiers on base. Soldiers get the opportunity to train here with cutting edge virtual technology. One employee states, “It’s a privilege to have a training facility like this one.” A personal note: to all of the employees and soldiers there, thank you for keeping our active duty soldiers safer in active zones.
As we honor Army soldiers this week, I’d also like to take a moment to recognize Army Reservists! THANK YOU for your service and for your readiness in mobilizations. Your participation in Battle Assembly, Annual Training, and Individual Ready Reserve is selfless. We owe you our sincerest gratitude.
As you all may know, I have a soft spot in my heart for Army soldiers, as my dad is a retired officer and he did A LOT. He started out in Armor (tanks and horses) and ended up in Aviation. I asked him once why he switched and he said, “Well, helicopters are like trucks that could jump trees.” I get it! My dad was an attack helicopter pilot for 22 years. He flew every type of helicopter that the Army had and his very favorite helicopter (to fly) was the Blackhawk because it was big, fast, stable, and all-weather. He was also Airborne-qualified, Air Assault-qualified, Ranger-qualified, Jumpmaster-qualified, and a Naval Dunker School graduate. (Back then it was extra schooling; now it’s required.) In Desert Storm, he was the Corps Aviation officer and watched over all the helicopters in the 18th Airborne Corps (1,200 birds)!
My dad was born to lead. He commanded three companies as a Captain and a Major; he commanded two battalions as a Lt. Col; and he commanded a brigade as a Colonel. He is also a Veteran--Dad had two tours in Vietnam and a tour in Desert Storm. Please forgive my gratuitous boasting…I have to do it here because he won’t let me do it when he’s around. He doesn’t see his commands, various medals, and commendations as a proud story, it was his honor. And, all of the Army soldiers I have had the privilege of knowing in my life feel exactly the same way.
Today I got the chance to write about my Army Dad, so I sure would love to hear about the military men and women in your family! Was your mom, dad, aunt, or grandfather in the service? I sure would love to hear about them. Please pass on our thanks to them, if you are able! ~ Mary QVC