June babies, you are blessed with a gift from the ocean - Pearls. These true treasures are found hidden within not just oysters and mussels – but also in our Honora Collection on QVC. Our pearls are so much above the others because of the high concentration of nacre’ – which allows the pearl to be, not only more lusturous and stunning – but also more durable and able to withstand everyday wear.
June babies you get luster, glow, beauty and the actual finger print of Mother Nature herself. Just like a fingerprint, each and every pearl is unique. No two are alike, and all have some imperfections. (don’t we all! ) Pearls are the ONLY gemstone that is made by animals. And, even better news, the harvesting of the pearls from the mollusks does not kill the animals, as they can be re-implanted and used to make more pearls.
Pearls are both earthy and ethereal. It remains the only gemstone that is exclusive to women and it’s femininity is celebrated! Soft curves are always evident, whether the pearl is round, baroque, keshi or coin shaped.
The oldest known pearl jewelry fragment was found in the sarcophagus of a Persian princess who died in 520 BC. They have always rated “Heirloom status” – passed down from generation to generation of women who were lucky enough to have them. Now, we are lucky enough to live in the age that we do… where pearls are readily available in all colors, shapes and styles…..from classic to trendy.
Picture Jackie Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel – and pearls immediately come to mind. They take on the essence of the woman that wears them – becoming a signature. So, enjoy your gorgeous birthstone June girls – and wear them proudly…. one final piece of pearl trivia: In 1916, Jacques Cartier (yes – THAT Cartier!!!!) bought his 5th Avenue store by trading two pearl necklaces for the land. WOW!!!! Wish I could have seen those!!!!! :-O !!!!