Hello, foodies…
Have you ever tried grilling shrimp? It’s not an easy feat—shrimp goes from raw to fully cooked in seconds. So what’s the best way?
You gotta love America’s Test Kitchen…their job is to make your food the best it can be! Speaking of grilling, I hope you’re still barbecuing every chance you get. But, in case you’re in a grilling rut—feeling tired of those same old burgers and dogs—remember that there’s SO many things you can perfect on the grill. From seafood and chicken to veggies and fruit, I’ve got lots of recipes on QVC.com. Go exploring and fall back in love with your grill!
In fact, why don’t you make that your project this Wednesday. Because it’s Gem Day on QVC, I won’t be seeing you for In the Kitchen with David. I will, however, be back with you for Saturday Morning Q and ITKWD on Sunday, as usual.
Keep it flavorful!