I seriously can't believe it. 4yrs! Shawn says Accessorize has been on the air for 4yrs! I hosted a Big 2hr live audience show last Fri to cheer the big Annv! It was so much fun n i got to meet some really neat audience members!
Right b4 the show i posted on my fb page asking you to complete this sentence: "I Am ____."
(Me? I Am unfiltered! Verbose! Secretly Introverted! A dreamer!)
So! How abt u?
I am crazy for silver n also for inspirational jewelry. This bracelet was one of my favs during the show .... well, heck, they r all my favs!
I just had to go say hi!
The gal in white on ur far left is Cindy. I called out looking for a size 7 to prove how the Skechers fit true to size. Cindy fit the bill AND the shoe. She was a great sport n modeled like she had been doing it all her life!
WTG, Cindy!
I m so srry my mind can't remember this gal's name, but she was also terrific. We brought her up to model the crossbody bag and boy does she love to travel .... internationally too! Very cool!
And of course, we all know who this lovely n spunky lady is .... Kathleen Kirkwood. She is a hoot and what I wouldn't give to bottle her energy n spirit!
Ahhhhh n this gorgeous n strong lady! This is Sharon! I featured Sharon before on one of my Wonderful Wednesday Facebook posts and she came out to see the show.
I noticed a beautiful bouquet of pink sweetheart roses on the set and asked where they came from and Sharon raised her hand. Of course, I just had to meet her!
Sharon is only 40 some yrs old and is a very good, 'friend of a friend' as they say. She survived breast Cancer and a double mastectomy 6 + yrs ago...and she got new boobies! They wheeled her into the O.R. wearing a tiara (they wouldn't let her wear her red lipstick) and she finally regained a part of herself that was taken. And all while smiling. I can't imagine that journey, or how it must leave potholes on your soul. But Sharon's positive attitude, spirit of victory and humor, are an inspiration. Friends, I toast you and celebrate ur courage. "Corragio!" is courage in Italian. Stand strong.
and what live audience show would be complete without me passing out gummy bears?! The treat was a gift from my friend, Erika, congratulating me on the 4yr show! i affectionately refer to her as "booger butt". : ) Don't be offended, she told me she loves the nickname!!
And when i asked this beauty to fill in the blank, I am _____ what? She said she is a great supporter n cheerleader for her friends!! We all need a friend like that .... one of the best kinds to hve!
And here i am posing for a selfie with the awesome sauce folks who made up our live studio audience.! What a blast!
Here i am humbly thanking my friends for coming out in support of Shawn Says! i also had the touching opportunity to meet n thank with all my heart one of our dear service men, Lester.
Lester is a brave soul who brought his wife Carole to the show and was surrounded by women. Good sport! Found out Carole beat the hck outta cancer too!! Go Carole! P.S. Those 2 luvbirds will celebrate 46 yrs of marriage in Sept. wonder wht Joe n I will look like in 46 yrs n where he’ll take me for fun! Ha!
This is sheena. She is in a wheelchair. Has cerebral palsy. It has robbed her of some faculties and surely her physical ones. She needs help standing, sometimes communicating. And you know what, she oozes joy. Gives the tightest hugs I swear I've ever had. And her excitement to see the show live, well you'd think she'd met brad Pitt or some famous Hollywood idol. It brought me to tears. She watches the show every Friday w/o fail. Sheena reminded me abt simplicity. Abt loving ur life, even if it's not perfect or easy. Sheena isn't guarded, or angling to make her way in the world. There r no grudges or judges in her head. She is just overjoyed to be alive. And I cud tell seeing her unspeakable joy, gave her parents even more. Thank u to sheena for being pure love. And for being my biggest fan. Mtg sheena was a true God moment.
And did u notice Sheena is wearing my "hear my soul speak" ring?!
If u ever want to join us for a live studio audience show, just check our schedule here.