I’m baaaaaaaaack! These past three months on maternity leave just flew by but I must admit I was excited to return to work. Coming back felt like the first day of school. You’re excited to see all your friends and to get back to your routine.
Everyone has been asking how my family is doing and adjusting and the short answer is not too bad! We definitely have our hands full with our daughter Jericho (who is now 19 months) and our infant son Jace. Jericho is fantastic with her brother. She kisses him all the time and tries to pick him up when he cries.
One quick funny story: Jericho had chicken nuggets for lunch one day while her brother slept on the sofa. I turned away from Jace for just a second and when I turned back he had something all over his mouth. As I took a closer look I realized it was chicken nugget crumbs! Jericho had tried to give Jace a taste of her food while I wasn’t looking! While I’m so happy that she wanted to share, it was just another reminder that you really need eyes in the back of your head with little ones.
Jericho is a handful right now. She is busy exploring her world and she keeps me busy running after her.
Jace on the other hand is such an easy little fellow. He smiles and babbles A LOT! He’s such a happy baby and I’m totally in love!
Coming back to work has definitely been a challenge but I am blessed to have an awesome mother who stays with us to help with the kids. She really helps us to keep it together and I’m so thankful for her.
My husband is no slouch either. He is super hands on with the kids, and much better at giving baths than me (I take too long!).
Overall things are good in the Kerr household. We are looking forward to our first trip away from the kids next month. Just a long weekend out of town for a wedding but we plan to make the most of it! I hope all has been well with you this summer and I look forward to chatting and shopping with you soon!