Hello my fashionistas!
The count down is on for dropping off Kevin at college. Trying to motivate an eighteen year old male to shop is difficult....offering a meal somewhere with Mom....that is my catch. :)
Today I spent the morning with MBR. You see we were challenged by the lovely Jayne Brown to "dunk it or donate" in the ALS ice bucket challenge. I want you to know that team LCNY always takes challenges seriously, and quickly responded within the 24 hour time limit as you would expect of any Liz lady. We met at MBR's home. We made our concoction of a bucket of water and ALL of the ice cubes from her freezer, just saying, it was cold. We then asked her son Ryan, to video our message and the dunk. I only wish you could have seen his face trying not to laugh at us.
We decided to dunk and donate, so both of us will be donating to the cause. In our video we challenged three people. You will have to watch to see who they are. But we decided it would be fun to involve you my friend, in this great cause. So, if you are watching the video, the challenge goes out to you......from MaryBeth Roe and Linda Davies please participate in the ALS ice bucket "dunk it or donate"...or both.
If you accept our challenge we would love for you to share your pics or videos with us. Please post on either of our Facebook pages. We look forward to our Wednesday mornings at 9am. Bring your cup of joe and your friendship. See you tomorrow.
Linda :)