On Tuesday, September 2nd, my daughter starts high school.
I can't believe I just typed that!! Wasn't it just yesterday she was waking me up five times a night for feedings? Wasn't it just yesterday she took her first steps? Wasn't it just yesterday she lost her first tooth?
I know. That's what every parent says when high school looms, right? Time flies. And memories flood your mind as you pack that first freshman lunch, put that freshman on her bus, and say that quick prayer to God as she boards that all will go well and that she'll be happy.
Every year I've taken a picture of Gabby by our front door on her first day of school. The doors have changed as we've moved from state to state, chasing dreams. And she has grown. In mind, body and spirit. But what she doesn't realize, is how much I've grown too. Because of her. I say all the time that she has raised me as much as I've raised her! If God only gives you what you can handle, then I can only handle the easiest kid in the world. She's such a joy. And exudes joy.
Camera is ready to take that first day of high school pic. Mom on the other hand is still in denial!
I hope you'll swing by my Facebook page for that Freshman pic, and hopefully share with me your own memories of being "that mom" on "that day"...I'll need you to keep me company as I pace the floors wondering how the day went!
Below are a few pics from across the years. Forgive me for bragging on her so much..but I'm just so grateful that I've been blessed with such a giver of joy all these 14 years and counting. I can't wait to hear your bragging on my FB page!
1st Day of School 2012
1st Day of School 2010 (she'd kill me if she knew I was sharing these!)
1st Day of School last year
Getting the "Accelerated Reader Award" in 3rd grade...you should see the smile on Momma's face!
Mom's written a note for her in her lunch every day since Kindergarten. One year she saved all of them and put them in a photo book for me. Can you say tears?!?
Gabby making her campaign speech for student council elections. Treasurer that year!
Just months ago, receiving awards at the end of 8th grade. Here we go!