Back to school!!! Yay or Nay? If you are an empty nester for the first time your first response is probably… it’s too soon to say.
Several ladies I work with have asked me recently how I got through the emptiness, loneliness and sadness that comes when the kids are all gone. While I don’t consider myself an expert and everyone’s situation is different, I did offer some advice on the things that worked for me the first time both Lauren & Chelsea were out of the nest.
First, Congratulations!!! You did it!! You survived elementary school, middle school, high school, school concerts, parent teacher conferences after school activities & sports, taxi mom duties, getting their driver’s license, SAT’s etc. I could go on and on but you get the gist of what I am saying. We have been there every step of the way for our children and served them well. Through it all we loved every minute of it and would do it again if given the opportunity. You should be very proud of the job you did with your children.
Now it is time to let Jesus take the wheel and realize that this is not just a new chapter in their lives, it is also a new chapter in yours. Think of it as a new beginning for everyone, not an ending.
Take some time, all the time that you need to relax into your new nest. I found I felt like I should be doing something every minute. After so many years of doing, doing, doing it felt strange not keeping that same pace.
I highly recommend getting your home organized. I started by really taking a hard look at my closet. I purged a lot of stuff, donated things I haven’t worn in years etc. It is a good feeling. Next, I made some changes to our master bedroom. New comforter, sheets, rug. We re-decorated Lauren & Chelsea’s rooms through each milestone from infant to big girls, then teen to young adult, and had not done anything new to our master suite. Time to create that sanctuary.
Next, on to the girl’s rooms. They took all of the things they could not live without to school with them so anything that was left I packed up or donated. We donated their twin beds and got queens for when the queens come home.
I cleaned out my pantry, kitchen cabinets and garage. I took my time and just did a little at a time. And I still do the same thing with cleaning the house. I keep a tidy house but I am not obsessed with it being spotless. My house won’t pass the white glove test. I would rather spend time doing fun stuff.
Now to the fun stuff! For me, it was painting again. The last time I took a painting class was when I was pregnant with Lauren. Now I can’t stop. Find whatever it is that you enjoy and JUST DO IT!!
Simple suggestions really. I don’t think I am telling you anything you haven’t heard before.
For all of you that still have babies, toddlers, pre-teens & teens, relish the time with them because it goes by sooooo fast. Celebrate with them when they head off to new adventures as adults. Remember that this is a new beginning for everyone and Lord willing your family will move forward together.
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