Fall is in the air, and here on the East Coast we can feel that slight chill in the air that tells us it's time to bring out the sweaters, boots, and scarves. The last two weeks have been particularly bittersweet for me as I watched my youngest son start kindergarten—bravely climbing those tall stairs to the unfamiliar classroom with new teachers and new friends-to-be. Is it too cliché to say it seems like just yesterday he was napping on my shoulder, burp cloth under his chin, sighing contentedly in his sleep? But life moves on for him and for me, and the kids being in school full time does has its advantages. There's more time to devote to all the other balls in the air: career, marriage, and personal well-being. Speaking of the latter, I encourage all of you to use this time of the year to take stock of what you're doing to take care of yourselves—mind, body, and spirit—and set some realistic goals that you can accomplish by New Year's.
And, of course, remember to enjoy the small joys that pop up in your daily lives along the way!