I have always likened myself to Switzerland. I don't like picking sides. I always see good points in every angle of an argument and I often choose to keep my opinions to myself. I think that is why I had such a successful career as a journalist. Just state the facts! So imagine my surprise when the QVC stylist team that is in charge of creating my image and showcasing who I am to our customers, told me that I, Stacey Stauffer, was a Dramatic girl. I thought they were...uh…mistaken.
The revelation came after I took a test in which I was asked to choose various adjectives and verbs that I thought interested me or describe me the best. I can't remember exactly what I circled, but none of the words represented what I thought "Dramatic" meant… "over the top", "center of attention", "blows everything out of proportion", you know, "drama queen"? But the way the Q sees the word Dramatic is different. Here it means: Strikingly Sophisticated and Stand Apart Style.
This was eye-opening because, after years of working in television news, I wore the same "outfit" to work everyday; a solid-colored sheath dress or v-neck sweater and pencil skirt. I was never to draw attention to my clothes because that would distract the viewer from listening to the news. But, after hearing the stylist's assessment of me and what the word "Dramatic" means in this case, I realized there has always been a "Dramatic" flair inside me just begging to come out. Who knew!
I think back to when I was in junior high school and I would try to copy fashions or hairstyles I saw in Vogue or Seventeen magazines. Once, I cut up one of my long skirts into strips and wore it to school because it looked great in Cosmo. Another time I ran long colored ribbons through my hair because it looked so pretty on a model. I wore blue mascara, flowers on my nails (before nail art was a trend) and even bought a lime green dress to wear to a school dance. I felt uber chic, but to my classmates, I just looked weird. Ha!
Even working in news, I subconsciously found ways to express myself. I wore black or dark grey nail polish when all the other women had French manicures. I wore hot pink or blue suede shoes with my black or grey dresses. Even throughout my home you'll find a funky colored appliance or an off-beat accessory like a snow-leopard printed throw mixed in with my traditional decor.
So, in honor of this hidden drama, I am looking to fully embrace it and share it with you. So, each week I will be featuring on my Facebook page, "My Pop of Drama" – whether it be a fun shoe, daring shade of lipstick or something out of the ordinary for the home. Here is my first "Pop of Drama" – the gorgeous faux fur vest by Nicole Richie. The rest of my outfit is from my personal wardrobe and I'm loving adding my new finds from the Q!
I would love for you to share your inner drama with me and let's inspire each other - because life is too short to be anything but Dramatic… at least in this sense of the word!