My human family is at it again. They love Halloween and these pictures were shown at the live show (that I was NOT invited to). Just sayin’.
So – here they are in their costumes and having fun at the show. It was the very first live audience for Shoe Shopping so there was a lot going on.
Where am I you ask? You’ll see.
Cute Deirdre.
Sweet Cara.
The whole gang dressed as Hocus Pocus characters.
Say cheeeeeese Alberti.
Who wore the witch hat better?
Hmmm..what's on Amy's head???
Selfie time.
Angel brought gifts. So nice.
Angel doing a pretty scary witches scream.
Who is that masked man?
Thanks to Angel for the witches boot gift and for being the first "whose shoes" secret guest. If you're not sure what that is, you have to tune in next time to find out.
And my human mom wanted me to thank everyone for coming to the live show. She loved it and had a blast and hopes you did too!
As for me - here I am - in another hat.
I think I need an agent.