Well the last few weeks have been a new chapter in my life and Nikki's college life...I have been sending weekly care packages filled with food, warm socks, decorations and anything else I could think of to remind her of home...I am officially on a first name basis with my new friends at the post office and putting my Q boxes to good use...
I have already abandoned my promise to clean out the clutter in every room...I was thankfully rescued by my wonderful dance mom friends who invited me to continue to help with the fall fundraiser and the Snow Queen ballet again this year.
I spent the month working on crafts and enjoying the projects and the kids...this should keep me busy until Nikki comes home for winter break!
Nikki on the other hand has discovered a whole new world...she has commented on occasion that it sure is hard to be an adult! I am very grateful that she has fully immersed herself in all kinds of activities with dance, volunteering and leadership groups and the television station and magazine for freshman..
She has spent hours cleaning a park, helped at the zoo and gone zip lining...yes I had to breathe deeply about zip lining….all the while having bronchitis and sinusitis which was her second trip to health services...I resisted driving to the college and bringing her home, so I sent soup, honey and tea and lots of tissues instead.
All the while I am diving into work and waiting for the phone to ring...thank goodness for parent's weekend! How wonderful to see your kid so excited about the possibilities in her future.
Her friends are a really great group of friends which I now can thankfully put a face to each name when we talk about her day..the campus has lots of school spirit and even more steps to walk back to her dorm.
She now has enough food, a holiday tree, and enough warm clothes until I see her for Thanksgiving break.
I have many blessings in my life and I am grateful for everyone...Thanks for sharing my new normal as an empty nester...keep me posted on how your life is going too...
You can find me on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/PatJamesDeMentriQVC
Twitter: www.twitter.com/pdementri
Instagram: www.instagram.com/PatJamesDeMentriQVC