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Do It Yourself Coffee Bar - Just in Time for Thanksgiving!


Are you hosting Thanksgiving brunch or dinner at your home this year?  In addition to the usual concerns (Is the house clean?  Where will everyone sit? What time is best for everyone?)...how about the rest of the details?  

Hopefully you have been shopping along with us here at QVC and are all prepared with your Masterbuilt Turkey Fryer for the perfect turkey, all of your Temp-tations Dinnerware to ensure a gorgeous table setting, and of course, David Venable's latest cookbook "Back Around the Table" to help guide you with some fantastic ideas for your feast. 

After you have your meal all planned out, what comes next?  Instead of serving coffee, tea and hot cocoa the traditional way, how about setting up a coffee and beverage bar to be more entertaining for your guests? 

Our Today's Special Value, Keurig® 2.0 K550 Brewing System with 42 K-Cup® packs and 8 K-Carafe packs will make your entertaining this holiday season effortless.  Not only does it brew individual K-Cup® Packs with over 275 varieties to choose from, this brewer also brews a carafe up to 30 ounces for your guests as well!  It comes with a 12-count box of Snapple® Lemon Iced Tea K-Cup® packs, a 12-count box of Starbucks® Pike Place® Roast K-Cup® packs (yes - that’s right Starbucks!), a 12-count box of Swiss Miss® K-Cup® packs, a 6-count variety box of K-Cup® packs , a 4-count variety box of K-Carafe packs, and a 4-count box of The Original Donut Shop® K-Carafepacks. Also comes with a water filter starter kit with four additional filters!  Large 80 ounce water reservoir, hot water on demand and strength control are also amazing features on this Keurig® 2.0 brewing system.  You have all you need.

This brewer is perfect for this holiday season.  It helps keep your guests cups full without constant running back and forth to the kitchen for refills.  It also gives your guests many more options for a more personalized experience.  Offering your guests a fabulous coffee bar to go with the delicious desserts you have planned would be a wonderful way to end your holiday meal.  Something that your guests will love and something that will free up some of your time to spend with those in your home for this special holiday.  Sounds good? We think so. Want to do a coffee bar of your own? How about offering your guests a signature drink to make if they like? Here's what you will need:

*Keurig® 2.0 K550 Brewing System


*A buffet area close to your dessert station or a cart that can be moved into place easily [We love the Temp-tations Old World Bamboo Top Folding Kitchen Cart (K40326) and the Folding Island Kitchen Cart with Hand brushed Textured Top (K39725)]. 


*Coffee cups and iced beverage tumblers [We love Temp-tations floral lace set 4 mugs with metal rack (H201207)]

mug holder




*Sugar and Sweeteners

*Milk, cream half and half

*Other fun toppings (whipped cream, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, pumpkin spice, cinnamon sticks, and flavored coffee syrups)

*Assortment of K-Cup® packs and K-CarafeTM packs (all included in the Todays Special Value)

*Keurig® 2.0 Carousel (K41517) to hold all those beverage options

 k-cup carousel

*Drink of choice recipe (we have included 2 of our favorites for you to choose from.  Print them out and frame them on your cart or buffet.  Don't forget to get the ingredients!)

recipe #1

recipe #2

Set up your brewer on the cart along with all of your fun "fixings."  Fill your carousel with all of your varieties of beverages.  Place your recipe in a frame next to the brewer and mugs and you are ready to go!

Hope you and your guests enjoy your Thanksgiving and that our coffee bar makes entertaining a bit easier and more fun!

Don’t forget to check out my toGather page for fun and thoughtful holiday gift and entertaining ideas as well!  Perfect for the teacher gifts, hostess, or an extra gift to have on hand!


Melissa Fleming Epps


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