Hi, everyone!
I like to think of myself as a crafty person. I really enjoy creating my own projects...and I like to think I’m pretty good at it. But, I know there are lots of people who just aren’t crafty. They just don’t—or so they say—have that gene. Today, non-crafters, I’m talking to you. No, you may not have the creativity to dream up a beautiful handmade holiday wreath. But, if you’ve got a great place to start (which is where our pre-lit wreath by Ellen DeGeneres comes in) and some pictures to follow (courtesy of our friends in the blogger community), you can make your own wreath and find your inner-crafter...just in time for Christmas.
Love this idea from Tristin of Tristin & Company. Behold the power of pipe cleaner!
What’s the true joy of crafting? Making something this pretty with just tulle, ribbon, and cardstock…nicely done, Fawnda (Fireflies and Jellybeans).
Nicole, owner/editor at Mom Always Finds Out made this…don’t you think it belongs on the cover of one of those fancy décor magazines?
Lisa from Planet Weidknecht used classic poinsettias on her wreath but offers lots of clever ideas in her blog.
LOVE THIS! Beeb of MomStart gave her vintage ornaments prominent placement.
Another magazine stunner…create your own winter scene a la Anne (from A Party Style).
Happy crafting…XOXO,