I started practicing yoga long ago, and though I do lots of other types of workouts, I always come back to yoga as something that grounds me, that "gets rid of the crazy." It has a way of unwinding you, of making you look inward, and give you a sense of calm that last the rest of the day. It doesn't have to be intimidating--it's truly something for EVERYONE. Here are a few tips that will hopefully get you as excited as I am about yoga. Please remember, you can ask me questions any time on my Facebook page, and post pictures of your progress to help motivate us all!
1. Keep a Practice Journal
So that you are not distracted with random thoughts during your yoga time, keep a journal next to you to write them down as they pop into your head. This way, you don’t have to worry about remembering them as you continue your practice. Write down questions that come up during your meditation, observations about the class (if you are in one), poses you want to try/ find difficult, or anything else you see fit- it is YOUR journal.
2. Make Space in your Home
When at home, practice in the same space every time. This will train your mind and body to know that when you are in this space, it is time for yoga; your mind will know it’s time to slow down and your body will know it’s time to begin relaxing. Keep props in this space to remind you of that, such as an inspiring picture or quote, a statue, an indoor fountain, a special rug, cushion, etc.
3. Take “Breathing Breaks”
Throughout the day, if your find yourself stressed, take a few deep breaths. Since your body will begin to realize you do this during your “relaxed” (yoga) time, it will begin to realize this is a sign to relax. Place reminders around your home, office, car, etc. to remind you to do so.
4. Do Not Compare yourself to Others
If you are in a mixed class (experienced and beginners), do not compare yourself to others. If you can’t do what the person next to you is doing, don’t worry about it. Focus on what you are doing; modify your pose if need be to a position that is more comfortable for you. No one is focusing on you, they are there to clear their own minds and worry about themselves. Remember, they were once in your shoes!
5. Wear Appropriate Clothing to Class
Since there is a lot of movement in yoga, it’s not ideal to wear baggy clothing. You don’t want to turn the wrong way and have the person behind you see right up your shorts! However, you don’t want to be in uncomfortably tight clothing. Shop around a bit to find a pair of yoga pants and shirt that works well for you. I love our new Cheryl Burke Line, and Denim and Company has some great Active Pieces!