Hello Gardening Pals!
I recently asked my Facebook friends what was the BEST gardening tip they've ever received?? And I loved reading all of the answer so much, that I decided to put them in a blog and share them with everyone! You can read them all below. I love when we fellow gardeners can help each other and swap tips!! Thank you to everyone who shared one, and happy gardening! You can check out some of my garden favorites in Carolyn's Garden Party page on QVC.com!
Best Gardening Tips
Run your fingernails over a bar of soap before starting. Makes for easy cleanup and no digging at dirt under your fingernails when you're done.
Plant perennials!! Least maintenance and expense. Love my daylilies!!!
Plant potatoes around the perimeter of your garden. If you need to dust for bugs you aren’t contaminating the produce and bugs won’t move into the inside of your garden.
Best advice I received many years ago is to remember that gardening is a process that requires patience. Sure comes in handy now that I live in the mountains of Utah. At 6500' it takes a year or two to get the results most people get the first year…but worth the wait!
Use disposable diapers in the bottom of hanging baskets for extra moisture!
Never plant before Mother's Day! (I grew-up in Delaware.)
The best garden tip I have is don't give up on your dream that you can grow a garden. I live in Florida, and it's hard to grow a lot of things, but sometimes just moving a plant from one area to another is enough to see it thrive.
Patience! Perennials take time to get established. My mom always said "The first year they sleep, second year they creep & the third year they leap!"
Before you place your hydrangea in the ground, plant a penny. It adds acidity to the soil which will give you vibrant blue flowers. Tip comes from my mother who always had the most gorgeous hydrangeas!
Best tip I ever read was using human hair, saved from haircuts, on rose bushes. Sounds weird right? But this tip was wonderful, made my roses grow and thrive.
Place plastic down then cut a hole for your plant. No weeds!
Use cut grass clippings fermented in water overnight as a fertilizer - it stinks to high heaven but it works amazingly to make BIG healthy plants. This tips is from an old (94) Italian gardener friend.
Take all your shredded paper, place around plants and wet down. NO WEEDS!!! I save my shredded paper all winter.
Terra cotta planters are porous, so they evaporate quicker. You'll need to water plants in those containers more often.
Cut potatoes for planting. Just lay them on top of ground cover with hay and you will have a good crop. Ground doesn't have to be worked. Potato will have little dirt on it. Really neat, AND it works!
Gerber Daisies are the easiest to grow…they come back every year, but they need lots of sun & water. One of my favorites.
In 1964 my grandmother gave me poppies from her garden and told me to plant them when it was the dark side of the moon. They have come up every year since!
To feed roses monthly-a mix of crushed egg shells and shredded banana peels. It makes them bloom magnificently.
Jo Ann:
Using newspaper under mulch to control WEEDS works great!
Hire a landscaper.