When I was a kid growing up in St. Joe, Michigan...
I LOVED playing sports. Since I was always small for my age, I had to use my quickness and speed to overcome my lack of size. Because of that speed, and my last name, my Little League baseball coach called me “Wheels.” The nickname has stuck with me ever since and, in fact, today many of my friends and co-workers at QVC still call me “Wheels.”
I have always liked my nickname. But for the last five years I have found a new nickname that I love even more. My grandsons, Cole and Gavin, call me “Papa.” I love the name mainly because I love the way my little guys say it. They say it with tons of love.
Being a parent is awesome. My two girls, Kirstyn and Kelsey, are wonderful daughters and I could not be more proud of the young women they have become. Kirstyn is an amazing wife, mom, nurse and daughter. She has always been a very hard worker and is instilling those values in my grandsons. Kelsey is finishing her senior year in college and may graduate with honors. Not bad for a girl who was diagnosed early on with a pretty serious learning disability. She has overcome it with hard work, organization and determination.
Our kids grow up way too fast. It seems like every time I turned around when they were growing up, they were another year older and four inches taller. Several QVC shoppers have told me they remember when I first started as a host on CVN in 1988 that Kirstyn was a precocious toddler playing with the toys on the show. Others remember that Kelsey was born my first year as a host on QVC. They will turn 29 and 23 respectively in April.
When our children are young we, as young parents, are extremely busy. We work hard to support our young families and to keep up with all of their activities. But as I look back now, I wish I would have worked a little less and played with my daughters more. Don’t get me wrong. I did play with them a lot but I didn’t realize how quickly the time was sailing by.
The great thing about being a Papa is I can slow down and enjoy my grandkids a little bit more. I know too well how fast these years will go by and are already! It seems like Cole was born about a month ago and he is now is now 5 ½ years old. Gavin is 1 ½ years old. I use the fractions because every six months counts. Really every hour of every day counts. Of course, one of the great advantages of being a grandparent is that when you are done playing with them you can give them back to their parents.
I try to schedule a “play day” with my grandsons every two weeks. These are days that are dedicated to one on one time with them. Cole is at that great age where we can go to the park, bowling alley, ball field or anywhere else. We often grab lunch on the way and have the best talks. I love watching his expressions when he tells me about something that is a big deal in his life. He tells me about his latest adventures at pre-school and play. It inspires me to look at life through his young, fresh eyes that are filled with so much hope and happiness. He tells me he wants to grow up to be a bone doctor so he can work with his mommy at the hospital.
Gavin is not quite old enough to go on these types of excursions but I love playing with him at our home or his. As soon as I walk into the room he comes walking up to me with his arms “wide open” wanting me to pick him up. He talks non-stop in his own language of jibber- jabber and I am actually learning to understand him. If he can’t speak it he can certainly point to whatever it is that he wants. The best thing in the world is when he just puts his face next to mine and lets me hold him close. This only lasts for about five seconds but I savor each and every one of them.
There is a wise old saying that says, “the days are long but the time is short.” I think of that often as I schedule my time. At 6o years old I have truly learned that “the best things in life aren’t things” and that time is the most precious commodity that any of us has.
Many of you know that our dog, Sadie, recently crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I decided that I didn’t want to wait too long to find another little Bichon to love. We soon found our new puppy, Zoey. Cole and Gavin are so in love with her that they not only enjoy stopping by our house to play with her but they get upset if we come to their house and don’t bring her.
Puppies seem to know intuitively how important it is to take the time to give and receive unconditional love. As “Papa” I am understanding and loving that concept more than ever!
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