Good friends are such a gift…They're like the extra family we get to choose!
Do you have a friend that has always been there for you? One who has rooted for you, laughed with you, listened when you needed to vent…and journeyed through the best and most challenging parts of life right along with you?
For me, my good friend Jayne is one of those special, important people in my life. I'm so grateful for our friendship…It means everything!
Invite your best friends over and join Jayne for some friendly fun during Fashionably Late, this Friday night at 10pm ET. I'll be away on vacation (lucky me!!!), so Jayne will be flying solo. Show her some love!
And don't miss a special item you can preview later today on my Facebook page. We're calling it your Mid-Week Sneak Peek. :) #MWSP
I'd love to hear about your best friends. How have they been there for you when you needed it most?
Your Friend, :)
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