My friend Kaitlin raises her phone up to take a photo of me. She asks:
“Am I really taking a picture of you raising your arms to show your armpits??”
Me: “Yep! They gotta see this!”
No, I hadn’t lost my mind (at least not that day). It was right before I was presenting an item called the LumaRX and I was so blown away by how effective it was at hair reduction I had to prove it on Facebook with photographic proof. I even started my on-air presentation of it by showing everyone my raised arm and declaring: “I haven’t shaved in over a week!”
TMI? Maybe. But as a gal who believes in fast beauty (this is 2015, people! Who has time to wait?), I knew I’d found a winner.
I’ve been posting weekly 15-second videos every Tuesday on my social pages with the hashtag #FastBeautyto illustrate that quick solutions to beauty problems are often just minutes away with products you may already have on hand. This blog runs along that same theme…only here it’s about throwing out what you’ve got on hand in favor of something much easier! Up until recently the only solutions we had for hair reduction were razors (expensive over time/time consuming), waxing and tweezing (same, and OUCH), laser appointments ($$$), and the like. Home treatments abound now, but the Luma really astounded me for a few reasons:
-It’s FDA-cleared for PERMANENT hair reduction in unwanted body and facial hair. (Permanent hair reduction is defined as the long-term stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing when measured at 6, 9, and 12 months after completion of a treatment regimen.)
-That treatment regimen? Just 3 treatments in just 1 month. That’s it!! And a treatment on the underarms, for example, takes about two minutes. Talk about fast beauty!
-It’s for both body and facial hair. Buh-bye, ‘stache!
-It’s much gentler than I expected…that’s because a longer pulse profile helps deliver heat more gently to the skin. LumaRx has a long, 110 ms pulse. And with the fast results, I’m actually looking forward to sleeveless tops, skirts, and not waxing my upper lip this summer (ha!). Yes, it’s for face too. Hooray!
One note: it IS an investment. But when I added up how much I’d been spending over time on other hair reduction remedies that weren’t as easy or effective, it made sense. If it’s in your budget and you’re on a time budget too like me, it’s definitely worth considering!
I’ll be posting more “Fast Beauty” reviews here, and you can find all of my 15-second-solution videos in my Fast Beauty Collection here. And of course, lots of bonuses on my Facebook and Instagram too! Join me there…and give me your quick beauty tips below!