I know what you’re thinking – “Lip Gloss can’t change your life!” – well stick around with me for the next minute or so and I’ll tell you just how impactful it can be!
About three years ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the first ever Beauty with Benefits event at QVC. The event brought together vendors, products and that night we raised money for an organization called Cancer and Careers. That night lip gloss….and a LOT of them…helped change the lives of women who were living and recovering from cancer.
Last year, we were able to do even more for this organization and for women who battle cancer and still want to participate in the workplace. That night we heard so many impactful stories. We cried, we hugged, and in the end we raised even more money for Cancer and Careers.
Since year one, we have received 5,700 product donations, 123,248 units and 836,500 Gift with Purchase sample donations from our amazingly generous beauty family. We've even raised over $2.2M for Cancer and Careers!
Something else happened that night. We received a Tweet from a viewer named Ashley, who was watching the event, and shared her story with us. Ashley is a single mom who also had a battle with cancer, and wanted to support Cancer and Careers for all of the help they provided her when she was getting back in the workforce. Now it was our chance to do something extra special!
We organized a fun day of beauty for her and had Chaz Dean and Mally give her a complete makeover!!!
Watch the video!
Here are some of the photos from that day. When you look at them, you really see how its not just about the makeup and the outside, but what happens for all of us on the inside!
It was great working with the team on this and I hope you’ll join us on Wednesday, April 15th at 10pm so that we can come together to support this wonderful organization.
PS: Follow me on FACEBOOK and get lots of updates on Beauty with Benefits and other events happening at the Q!