Spring Bulbs have been a personal favorite of mine. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and blooming branches bring back so many memories for me. These beauties bring me to the New York Flower Market with my grandfather, Easter celebrations with my family, and like I’m 8 years old again I get so excited to see these little friends peer out on my lawn when the skies are still a wintery-grey.
Any day now we all should be enjoying spring outside our windows, but why not bring the spring blooms inside too? These clean, simple arrangements can stand on their own, or place several together for a wonderful centerpiece.
I like to mix-up the arrangements a bit; some vases are filled with river pebbles and water for stylish look and also to stabilize the bulbs. The other arrangements are simply filled with water as I do like the natural root look too. Just remember that you want the water only at the tip of the ball (bulb) – too much water will rot the bulb.
Once the bulbs have completed their bloom cycle, remember that you can trim the stalks and any roots and plant them into your garden or landscape. This time next year, what a wonderful surprise you will have to help you welcome spring!