Question time! Are you:
- Troubled by all things tech?
- Just a little curious about computers?
- A gadget gal who wants to see the latest and greatest technology that the Q has to offer?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re in luck! Coming to QVC Plus is a brand new show - ‘Geek Chic’ with our very own electronics expert – Albany Irvin. ‘Geek Chic’ features Albany answering your technology questions in addition to showing some of the hottest, newest tech on the market. Tune in Saturday May 16th at 7:00 AM ET on QVC Plus to find out just how you can become ‘Geek Chic’!
Until then, here are a few sneak peeks of the show:
So please join us 7:00 AM ET on Saturday morning on QVC Plus for 'Geek Chic'!
[p.s. All of these pictures were taken with the Samsung Galaxy camera that will be featured in Saturday’s show. You guys, this camera is absolutely incredible. I was amazed by how clear these came out and how easy the camera was to use! Plus it had a ton of incredible features, I was actually able to email myself all of the pictures right from the camera itself! This one is definitely worth checking it out.You can shop it right now, right here: - Tori ]