We are very sorry about the disruption of the QVC forums that involved hundreds of posts with inappropriate content displayed across all of our forum categories. These inappropriate posts have been occurring during a time when we are not able to quickly remove and ban the user who is abusing the opportunity to participate.
When we see these inappropriate posts we remove them and ban the user involved. This problem cannot be permanently resolved with the tools we have today. We are actively working on system enhancements that will remove this problem automatically.
Until we complete the enhancements needed to address this problem we will be turning off the ability to post in the forums from 1AM to 7AM ET. During this time you will still be able to read forum and blog posts, just not start a new discussion or post a reply. We are sorry to those members of the Community who this action will negatively impact. It is a temporary fix while we get the enhancements in place to systematically address the problem.
Thank you for your patience while we get this resolved.
QVC Community Team