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Lisa's Vacation in Rome--the Final (Amazing!) Photos


Wow. Those Italians know how to live!

Last night I ordered lamb for dinner. I've never seen it look like this, but it was good. Great food and a beautiful view overlooking Rome…vacation is a good thing!

Adrienne and I are spending the entire day at the Vatican Museum and St. Peters Basilica. Here is Adrienne with our guide, Estelle. She’s one of the most knowledgeable guides I’ve ever known. The Roman Bath behind them is the same as the granite that makes my kitchen counters. I was very entertained by that. 

Today we’re visiting the Vatican Museum. It’s the second most popular museum in the world, (after the Louvre). This is the Hall of Tapestries. I’ve always loved this ceiling; it’s so beautiful. 

Instead of "when in Rome," this is "wet in Rome". The skies have opened up! Adrienne has gone high fashion with a poncho from a street vendor. We ducked into a church, hoping it would pass, but then they closed the church! We’re opting for dinner, but I think the rain will outlast our meal!


St. Peters Basillica

The first time I walked into St Peters Basilica, it made me cry. It was just after Christmas almost 20 years ago. A cold day in Rome and an almost empty St Peters made me feel even more how beautiful it was in the quiet. I could never tire of it. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Our Focaccia is bread; their Focaccia is a whisper-light, white, almost cracker/tortilla-type thing with olive oil and fresh rosemary...heaven!!!!!

What?! Where did they come from?! Nice ring and bangle! They are going to be in the Vicenza remote on June 15. I'm test driving them. You know—it’s only to make sure they're okay for you, not because I love them. It’s just for you because I'm so dedicated. ;)

We walked by a bakery today as we were walking around Rome. This window blew my mind. This is a bakery. They make woodland creatures, carousels, and everything possible, all out of bread. Unbelievable! I never thought of bread as a form of visual art. I bet it tastes good too!


There were a number of requests for a picture of the Trevi Fountain, so here you go. It’s awe inspiring, I must admit. Anything Bernini had a hand in is beautiful. The legend is if, when you visit Rome, you throw a coin in the fountain, you will return.


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