Mine is the face you see on AM Style on Saturday mornings, but “it takes a village” to make our show! I am fortunate to work with a dedicated and talented group of people who help make my job easier and infinitely, more fun.
If you watch AM Style on a regular basis, you’ve likely heard me refer to, and mention the name, Anil. She’s been the Fashion Stylist for the show for ... well ... many years and I ADORE her!!!
When you see the models put together head-to-toe in perfectly coordinated looks, that doesn’t just happen by accident. It’s the job of the stylist -- it’s Anil. There’s not a week that goes by that I don’t hear from viewers who want the exact outfits Anil has created for our models.
Anil has helped me tremendously, by encouraging me to try colors and styles that I would never have considered on my own. And in turn, that allowed me to have more varied fashion information to share with you. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.
Thinking about that is bittersweet, because Anil is leaving our “village”. She and her husband have a fantastic opportunity and are moving to Texas. I know she’ll be happy, and fashion will continue on AM Style. But it won’t be quite the same.
So thank you Anil, for sharing your talents and your friendship with me and so many others. I wish you all the best! We wish you all the best!
"See" you Saturday!