Hello fashionistas... It is the middle of July... I have blinked and summer is half over. First and foremost let me just say it was lovely meeting so many of you at the dinner Friday night of the Lisa Robertson weekend. What a wonderful beautiful talented group of women. It was an honor to get to chat with most of you and talk about life, friendship, husbands, children, shopping, and of course QVC. Our dinner inspired me on what to write in my blog this week. So stay with me, you never know where my thoughts will travel.
What is in a NAME? With the baby watch over in London now, the frenzy is what will be the name of the new king one day. We place so much emphasis on a name. Our name is our tag line... when you hear a name it evokes emotion, good or bad. With our fine group of ladies Friday evening we discussed QVC alot. I asked the question what is it about QVC that you would give up a weekend and travel from 18 different states to be with US. You can guess the number one answer: a get away from the husband and kids... for some FUN. All kidding aside, it is what QVC stands for that brought us together. The name evokes a wonderful positive response. A great shopping experience, a sense of community and friendship. Quality, value, and convience; straight to the point.
I told my new friends Friday night that a very special LCny item was coming up at MIDNIGHT this Wednesday. I asked what does the name LCny mean to you? WOW the response was humbling. Wonderful sophisticated fashion. Classic lines for the everyday modern woman. Whether single, married, mom, working, retired; it fits all lifestyles. The fact that LCny covers all ages beautifully was pointed out by a gorgeous mom of twins... TIMELESS!!! So what is in a name? LCny has been a leader in fashion for over twenty years and is still rocking and we are so proud to have this brand at QVC. On Wednesday the very special item (pictured above) is a beautiful set of two shirts, on short sleev and one 3/4 length sleeve, a basic color and a pop. You can shop with confidence because everything is in a name, especially one you can trust.
At the end of the evening a lovely woman approached me and told me my name to her means friend. She looks forward to Wednesday mornings with MBR and myself. As she stated it is like shopping with her sisters. That is the best compliment I have had in a long time. So to all of my beautiful friends (sisters) join me on Wednesday for a day filled with LCny. The two essential shirts are a great way to check out the LCny NAME and join in the fun. P.S. You need them, as I always say to my sister Karen.
Be sure to tune-in during the day on Wednesday, July 24th to chat LIVE with Carolann Wileczek. She'll be logged on to answer your questions! Leave your comments, shout-outs, and questions in the comments below!