I can trace my love of fragrance back to my earliest memories. Growing up in Communist Russia, the only fragrance available was "Red Moscow." Only the bravest women would find a way to get their hands on a forbidden French fragrance, my mother included. When I was just 6 years old, I remember going to the black market with my mother so she could get a French fragrance. It amazed me how much she was willing to risk to buy the perfume. It was a defining moment in my life. I realized the importance fragrance plays in people’s lives and how it can instantly make them happy and feel special.
The idea that any woman could feel beautiful through fragrance had a lasting impression on me. Fragrance became my artistic medium—the way I experience the world and organize my memories, each fragrance a chapter of my sensorial diary. For my latest scent, Fresh Life Eau de Parfum, I was inspired by the memory of a very special summertime moment:
I awoke in the early morning to the damp earth, cool and breathing beneath my toes. The fog curls across the pond like the softest cloud; the air is infused with a sweetness. As the rising sun spins everything into sparkling silk, I walk quietly into velvety water, taking care not to disturb the purity of this still moment. As I swim, I imagine that I am flying. The water is my blue sky, full of hope and possibilities. I am revived. I am reinvigorated. I am Fresh.
Earth is my scented bed: velvet bergamot, vanilla grass, dreamy cypress
Air is infused with a sweetness: grapefruit, lilac leaves, transparent magnolia
Sun is sparkling silk: silk amber, warm orange, tonka flowers
Water is my blue sky: sweet cucumber, sparkling moss, morning dew
What are your strongest memories attached to a fragrance or scent?
Lev Glazman