Wow - the summer is flying by and it's less than a month until Theresa starts 1st Grade!!! I can't believe it! We're getting the rest of her school supplies ready to go along with practicing her reading and math!
With only a few short weeks to go --- I would love to create some special memories with her before she's back to school! I know that a lot of you are very creative and sentimental! I'd love to know your suggestions for some special things that would be great mommy/daughter bonding moments --- and also some great family memory making ideas!
Of course there are always amusement parks to enjoy --- (Like in this photo - heading up to the top of the log ride back home in Albuquerque!) --- but I'd really love to do something extra special things with her! So please - send any of your ideas my way! I'll let you know how the last few weeks of summer turn out! Thank you so much!
What are your favorite family memory-making ideas?
Best wishes and blessings,
Jacque G.