A few years after we moved to Pennsylvania, my next door neighbor, Lisa, acquired a new puppy named Mae. Mae would bound over to our yard whenever she spied me outside with the garden hose...she was obsessed with the squirting water. Mae never simply RAN...she would HOP, like a lamb or a bunny rabbit. She was one of the cutest dogs I'd ever seen. Little did I know that a couple of years later, one of Mae's puppies, Rowdy, would become one of our OWN little pack of pups! Rowdy (whose original name was Riley, as in "the life of..."), was originally supposed to remain with Lisa, Mae, and his papa, Teddy....but when he was 3 months old, it became apparent that three Wire Fox Terriers were alittle more than Lisa could handle in her apartment, and she asked if the little fella could come and live at our house. After a "pack vote" with all paws up (and hubby's yes vote, too), Rowdy came to live with us. (We changed his name to Rowdy, because we already had a cat named Riley). My husband is a big fan of Clint Eastwood and one of Clint's early roles was on a show called "Rawhide", in which his character's name was "Rowdy Yates". Well, OUR Rowdy, certainly does live up to his name!! There is nothing like the unique energy of a Terrier! For instance, my other dogs (Cockers, Cocker Mixes and a Lab/Pit mix) had NO idea they were supposed to chase our cats, until Rowdy set them straight! Since then, we've have added Cotons and Shih Tzu's to our family of pups and, well, they already seemed to "know" that about cats. However, our cats have turned it into a game, and it's all in good fun. They all sleep together on various pet beds every night! Rowdy is an absolute PRO at playing fetch and never misses a tossed tennis ball. In fact, on walks through the neighborhood, Rowdy loves to collect ANY tennis balls that happen to be lying around in someone's driveway along the way! He loves to have our regular "Terrier Time" with his mom and dad, Mae and Teddy, who still live next door. We play ball in the yard with our "Chuck it" and go for lots of long walks together. (You can see Rowdy, Mae, Teddy and some of their friends in these Halloween photos from last year.) He is an expert car rider, very polite to pets and people alike and doesn't have an grouchy bone in his body. He is very high energy, but it's all in good fun. What a fabulous dog he is and SO smart! Wire Fox Terriers have been featured in TV shows and movies many times through the years, and I can see why. With a professional trainer, I'm sure there is not much Rowdy could not learn how to do! You may remember that Rowdy was my "Co-Star" in the QVC Holiday video from last Christmas, as I shared Denim and Company jackets with my neighbors. So, please welcome ROWDY to our growing list of Fur Babies of the Month! He's such a GOOOOOOD BOY!!!
Q and A:
Name: Rowdy
Age: 4 years old
Breed: Wire Fox Terrier (There is also a Smooth Coat Fox Terrier Breed)
Favorite Pastime: Playing fetch with tennis balls!
Alternate favorite pastime: Jumping and jumping and jumping!! It's amazing the heights I can clear!
Thing I get in trouble for the most: Jumping the fence to the goose yard and taking a dip in their pond!
Favorite QVC Product: Anything with a squeaker on the inside!
Best Fur Friend: Pack Pals Molly and Ginger (Cocker Mixes) and my mom and dad next door, Mae and Teddy.
Favorite Treat: Homemade dog cookies (My human Mom, Carolyn, shared the recipe here: http://qvc.co/CarolynsRecipes)