Hello my LCNY fashionistas. It's almost the end of February and I must say I am very ready for spring. It has been a bit cold, damp and gloomy in West Chester and working with our new spring fashions makes me thirsty for some warmth and sunshine. Spring is a time of new and rebirth. We always know it is around the corner and are very welcoming when it arrives. Speaking of new and rebirth I had an invitation to speak to a lovely group of women the other night about fashion, top trends, must haves and yes, color. I talked about the non mom jean look, the staple white button down shirt, the must have maxi dress, the natural color shoe but the real buzz was COLOR. We all talked about our comfort level of browns and blacks, and of course no prints. But as I have been sharing with all of you since the beginning of January, color can repurpose existing fashions in your closet, print can be a camouflage, and yes color gives us the glow. So check out our color selections for the spring LCNY collection: jade, royal blue, pink grapefruit, papaya, and pool blue.
Take the poll below to let us know your favorite color and the item you purchased and can not wait to wear. You know by now I am a strong fan of any combo of green, but I must say papaya has intrigued me. MBR always shines in the pool blue, but looks shall we say just glowing in the pink grapefruit. So join us Wednesday morning, for girl talk, laughter, and a twirl on the color wheel... you know it is going to be fun:)