Apologies my lovelies (and gentlemen) for the tardiness of this blog. The first two weeks of Sept I was honeymooning in Europe so this month's blog took a backseat to pasta, pizza, croissants, red wine, sunning, swimming, and overall, me dreaming of how I can move to Europe and earn a living. Thus far it would appear my only hope is waiting tables (which I love) street performing (which doesn't require a work permit, but I have no musical or instrumental talent) or begging someone European to adopt me as a grown adult. Frankly, none seem within the realm of possibility but then, Jesus turned water into wine so clearly ..... anything can happen.
I have decided to use this blog to share a bunch of pictures and thoughts about our trip ... sure hope you don't mind.
#1: "Why does the pasta taste so much better here???" ~ Joe, my husband, while eating the most insanely delicious pesto pasta that had us wanting to make love to the plate.
#2: Did you know the Mona Lisa was once stolen and is actually painted on wood, not canvas?
#3: Parisians bike everywhere wearing suits and dresses and carrying baguettes. (If you ever go to Paris, take the "Bike About Tours"!)
#4: Cars in Europe look like toys...and in Italy, they look like Inspector Clousseau just pulled up. Completely darling and entertaining...
#5 Mopeds in Italy are not toys, despite my fascination with being Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. They are heavy like motorcycles and after dodging buses on curvy open roads, Joe had a near panic attack and ordered a stiff drink while I tended to some wound care on his toes after he mistook the accelerator for the brakes.
#6: Eating fish in coastal Italy is an out of body experience.
#7: If you ever visit Portofino, rent a boat from Giorgio's in the harbor. Ask for Tony the driver. Have him take you to San fruttuoso...
#8 ...Then eat lunch at the little restaurant carved into a cliff with ten tables. This will be your view. It is unbelievable that some people call this home. They seriously scored big in the life lottery
#9: Portofino is the most sublime place I have ever been...
#10: And finally, no matter how many times you see the Eiffel tower on postcards or in books...even if you have already seen it before...it is still the most wonderous, incredible emotional experience to round the corner and drink it in from top to bottom in the flesh. It is magnificent.