Hello and Happy Springtime, Everyone!!
Since the Easter Bunny will soon be hopping into town with baskets of goodies and colorful eggs, I wanted to devote THIS month's Fur Baby Blog to some of my absolute favorite pets ever, my loveable, smart, silly, cuddly, sometimes ornery, BUNNIES!!
Did you know??????
Bunnies are super smart, and can be easily litter box trained!
Bunnies are very social, and hate to be left all alone! They love to have another bunny friend, and they also love their humans!
Bunnies are great pets for humans OVER the age of ten. If you are thinking of getting a new pet for your younger child, a guinea pig is better if they are under 10 years old. Why? Because rabbits are somewhat high maintenance, have special dietary needs, and their back legs are very powerful and can injure your young child by accident or, if your child picks them up incorrectly, they can kick their legs so hard that they could injure themselves too!
Bunnies can live to be 10 years old or more, with proper care and lots of love!
Bunnies should live INDOORS and not outside in a cage or a hutch. Too many things can harm a rabbit outdoors...even in a cage. Dogs, cats, foxes, hawks, extreme heat or cold and loneliness.
Bunnies require a specific diet of timothy pellets, timothy hay, fresh greens, and lots of water EVERY day.
Bunny tummies do NOT tolerate JUNK very well, and things like nuts, yogurt drops, pet store rabbit "treats" or "treat sticks", and even too much fresh fruit, which is sugary, can make your rabbit very sick.
A GREAT source of information on ALL things about rabbits and their care, is this website: www.mybunny.org I highly recommend it. My friend Alex runs it and she taught me much of what I know about rabbits!!
Remember do NOT give your child a baby animal for an Easter gift or ANYTIME....unless YOU plan on taking care of it and keeping it forever. That means no baby bunnies, chicks, ducks, etc. Give your child or grandchild a STUFFED animal instead!!
If you DO decide that you can give a bunny a proper, loving forever home, please visit your local animal shelter!! Adopting a rabbit can be one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do!!
Till next month, give ALL of your fur babies a big hug from me!!
Carolyn and My Little Zoo XOXO