Fozzie first became a part of our lives a little over 10 years ago. I was a new show host, and my husband had just relocated here from Las Vegas. We had always talked about getting a dog, and this seemed like the time to do it.
There was no debate about the breed. We had both grown up with poodles, and loved the fact that there was no shedding. So, we checked the paper and found a breeder of red poodles about a half hour away. I grew up with an apricot poodle, and had never heard of the red color before, so I was curious. We drove there expecting to see the last two of the litter, but there was only one left when we got there.
Fozzie was the cutest, sweetest little ball of fluff I had ever seen! He looked like a tiny bear cub! We decided pretty quickly that we wanted him, and on the drive home, we talked about names. Because of his unusual coloring, we tried going for names that had to do with food, or being a natural redhead. First, we tried Fritter (as in Apple Fritter), and it didn't feel right. So, we talked about Ginger, Brandy, Nutmeg, and other spices, but they all sounded girlish.
Since he was a boy, it was making it a lot more challenging. Finally, we thought about our love for movies, cartoons, and comic books. I thought about Sesame Street, and that brought me immediately to the Muppets.
Scooter came out first, but then, like magic, Fozzie Bear popped into my brain. I knew it was perfect before I even said it. Between the tawny, fluffy fur, and the fact that Fozzie seemed like a little huggie-bear, it was perfect. When I said it, my husband's face lit up, and he said, "Yes! That is totally perfect!" My husband has also worked as a stand-up comedian, which is another tie-in to our beloved Fozzie.
Even now, his name tag is in the shape of a little black bow tie! If only Fozzie could really tell jokes, I'm sure he would finish every one with a hearty, Wokka Wokka Wokka!