Today I’m making a confession.
When I write my blogs, I always try to be positive. I love to convey happy thoughts. Inspiring thoughts. That’s just who I am.
Well, today, my blog is a little different; I am going to share something VERY personal with you. For a while this winter, I was faking it. I was having a rough time. This past winter was very hard on me. With all of the bad weather - rain, snow, more snow, grey skies, the cold - day after day. Ugh, after the holiday season, I became very depressed.
Now to see me on the air, you wouldn’t know anything was wrong, of course (Jeanne used to say, ‘The show must go on, Angel!’). But when I was at home, I didn’t want to do anything. I didn’t want to go out. I didn’t want to take our dog Lucy for a walk. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch TV.
Over recent weeks, I chatted with some of my very best girlfriends about this, and they shared that they felt the same exact way. I have to tell you, I hadn’t felt this depressed since the winter of 1995-96 when we had ice storm after ice storm here in the West Chester area.
As the spring finally started to appear, I started to feel a little better every day. I knew this feeling was because of the winter blues, but I thought I would get out of my funk much sooner. The results of this funk—my body changed. I didn’t gain weight, but my weight shifted. I was sleeping more. I also had a much shorter fuse when it came to dealing with anything stressful.
So, why am I telling you all of this?
Well, a Jeanne-ism kept coming to mind—FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT, BABY!
So every day I put my game face on, and I wore colors that make me feel happy. This is one of my favorite tops: Quacker Factory Rhinestone Ring Sparkle Keyhole 3/4 Sleeve T-shirt (A232385). It sure makes me feel good every time I wear it!
I also decided that I needed to make a date with one of my best friends, who also had gotten depressed over the winter. We both needed to get out and do something good for ourselves - mind, body & spirit!
So, guess what! We signed up for eight beginner yoga classes! And what a difference that has made already - mind, body & spirit! I had taken yoga many years ago and continued to think about how good my body felt after taking a class. I just knew it was exactly what I needed to pay attention to my body and to relax my mind. And, of course, it has led to my spirit having a much better attitude – hehe. I always say our bodies are a miracle; how women carry children and are able to nourish them in the first few months of life and also how our bodies heal themselves. But we need to pay attention to what it is telling us, and mine has been saying, ‘MOVE girl, MOVE!!!!’ As I said, we signed up for eight beginner yoga classes, and I just know we will sign up for more!! Susan and I also signed up for an eight-week course of Argentine Tango, which starts at the end of May! If you follow me on Facebook, you know that one of my dreams is to be on the show Dancing With The Stars…I understand this may never happen, but at least I can learn some of the steps I see on TV! Susan and I are VERY excited about this class, and I even roped in my neighbor Karen to join us!!
The Warrior pose
Another thing that I do, and still did regularly over the winter, is work out at the gym with a trainer (Yes, I am blessed to be able to afford someone to help me). I felt that at least I was doing something, anything to move just a little bit! Here is a picture of me flipping a huge tire – I think it is about 100 pounds. Now this is a whole body workout! I am pretty tired after doing this exercise!
Why am I telling you this story? I really hope you will do something every day for yourself – no matter how big or how small!! Jeanne always said that the more we love ourselves, the more love we’ll have for others. That’s why we have to do good things for ourselves.
My mother died at the age of 60. I want to make sure that I treat myself better; that I live each day like it’s a party (another Jeanne-ism). That I move more! Stay active. Try new things!
Not everyone has access to a trainer or to a local yoga class. But why not get outside and walk around the block? Why not grab a friend to join you? You will get some air into your lungs and get some free counseling too. I love chatting with my girlfriends to sort out my problems—they are the best, and cheapest, sounding boards!
Why not Quack up a conversation with someone you see in the store with a Quacker Factory top on. Jeanne used to always say, ‘You may make a new friend!’ I have to tell you, I know women who have created great friendships all because of Jeanne Bice and the Quacker Factory—the little duck that could!
So next time you’re feeling a little down, remember my little secret: Fake it till you make it! Surprise yourself!
Until next time—
Quack, Quack for now