Back in January, My husband and I were out to dinner and I got a text from Chaz Dean, the creator of Wen. It was a picture of me that Chaz had found on Facebook. My hair was pushed behind my shoulder, making it appear much shorter than the actual length. Chaz wrote, "I think we should do this." "Long bob?" I texted back. And so the saga began.
I really wish I could tell you that I cut my hair on an impulse or that I gave it no thought, but I spent six months thinking, "should I or shouldn't I?" Chaz and I continued to text each other pictures and have conversations about it. If you are thinking, "It's only hair! What's the big deal?" You are right! I only tell you this because I see the humor in it. We were talking about three inches of already dead hair, not major geo-political issues. Yet, we carefully weighed our options. This is just one of the many reasons I love Chaz. He takes more hair more seriously than I do. Haha!
After having long hair for at about 15 years, I decided to go shoulder length. I also wanted highlights, which I also have not had for more than a decade. Chaz has been cutting my hair for about seven years. Actually, that is an understatement. He not only cuts it, I usually let him pick the style. I can't remember the last time I didn't sit in his chair and say, "Do what you want!" I trust him and he has never steered me wrong. When I got to Chaz's Pennsylvania salon, my girl Courtney Cason was already getting her hair done.
I was next!
Chaz does not use bleach to highlight hair, so it takes a bit longer, but it is totally worth it. Here I am ready for the cut to begin.
(pic of chaz and assistant drying)
After the cut, I asked Chaz to give me a tip to share with you. He said, when applying styling products, put them on from thickest to thinest. It's the opposite of skincare, where you start with thin layers (serums) and end with thick layers (night creams). I wrote down what he put on my hair so I could duplicate it at home. Just last night, I did this routine, and I was able to get my hair to look almost as good as when Chaz styles it! For me, that was a big accomplishment because I'm not great with styling.
1. After cleansing, he put in a 1/4 pump of Cleansing Conditioner as a leave in conditioner. We used Summer Honey Peach (LOVE!)
2. On soaking wet hair, he raked in two pumps of Styling Creme and then 14 pumps of Mousse. (You actually can't use too much of his mousse. It doesn't weigh your hair down and it actually treats the hair.)
3. He then dried my hair, keeping the blow drying constantly moving to never burn my hair.
4. He finished with a pea size amount of his Finishing Cream, 3 pumps of Glossing Serum and 5 spritzs of his Volumizing Treatment Spray, which you can use instead of hairspray. These products cut the frizz and make your hair look smooth and shiny.
It might sound complicated, but it is actually really simple and this "recipe" is making it so much easier for me to get the style I want. Here's the finished result.
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