Hello my LCNY fashionistas,
I am two thirds of the way through the Davies trifecta. Meghan and Matt's wedding lovingly done...Kevin's senior prom and pictures done. Last, but not least, is Kevin's graduation from high school, today, same day as our LCNY TSV. I am going to be so bored tomorrow, whatever will I do the rest of the summer?
All joking a side, I function much better in an organized chaos life. My baby is graduating. So many thoughts, already a lot of tears. The other night I wrote him a letter, it will be on his pillow when he wakes up this morning. I will be at QVC with all of you, but I have been there for every first day of school and of course, the last. No more lunches to pack or calling him from work to make sure he is UP. He and I have held on tight these past four years. Kevin was the child still living at home when Larry passed. I would be lying if I said it was an easy ride, both of us had to find our new normal. I am so incredibly proud of who he has become.
So, tonight night the Davies clan will celebrate together another milestone. The fab five has now become the fab seven. Am I blessed, you bet!!! Will Larry be there? He will fill the stands with happiness.
Please join me today for our LCNY TSV. A maxi dress and crochet shrug, I will be on at midnight..the morning show...a two hour show starting at 9am with MBR, and then Q CHECK. Then Caroline will continue on at 4pm so I can go to Kevin's graduation. I thought you might enjoy some pictures of MY guy. See you soon my friends :)