I can’t believe it’s finally here but dang if the new Monday night on Q isn’t ready to launch tomorrow. AHHHH! We are all so excited (and secretly sick to our stomachs with joyous nerves)
Starting tomorrow, Monday nights on QVC will be called, “Fashion’s Night In”. Amy Stran will be joining you starting at 7pET with Inspired Style, followed by LOGO by Lori Goldstein, at 8pET.
The big news on my end is Isaac is now moving to 9pET!!!! Set your clocks, your calendars, your everything! Wait there’s more. Drumroll pleassseeeeee….
PMStyle is moving to 10pET, and I’m taking over the esteemed reins. I am so excited to put my own ‘Shawn-i-fied’ twist on this show that I know you have loved and set your DVR’s for, for years. What an honor for me. Now the scoop...
For starters, you will not recognize the PMStyle set, it has gotten a huge, MAYYY-JOR facelift. SO huge that it's not quite done yet ....
but tomorrow it will be by tomorrow at 7p ET, just can't wait until you feast ur eyes on the completed new set of PM Style!!!
And, since I love inspirational jewelry, we are starting a cool new segment on PMS called “Soul Speak”. It will be home to all those things, jewelry and accessories, that uplift you, empower you, give you hope, courage, and stir your faith.
First up Monday night, a gorgois new item from Honora pearl. Ladybug pearl earrings. My college BFF Jen went to heaven at the age of 29. She was a newlywed. She had Kidney Cancer. Her nickname was ‘Ladybug’. I have a ladybug tattoo over my heart in her memory, and I collect them. They are lucky little gems for your ears these new Honora. (PS doesn’t hurt that critter jewelry is wicked cool right now too). I see ladybugs at the weirdest times and I’m convinced it’s angels smiling on me.
**PIC ladybug earring**
I know how much you love your PMStyle models ..... Well, there are some new faces joining us starting Monday and I cannot wait for you to see everyone. Our Fashion Stylist behind the scenes, weaving all the magic on the girls (and me) is a fresh, new, gifted fashionista cutie named Amanda (she has saved me from countless fashion faux pas over the years in working with me on Friday’s Isaac and Shawn Says Accessorize shows)
We even have a new Producer (Aka the person who talks to me in my ear through the show) and her name is Erica. She’s expecting her first little one in April btw, so we are all placing wagers. (Girls are more fun to dress so I’m personally rooting for pink balloons on the big day.)
So there you have it. I cannot wait to see you all. We plan to ‘keep it real’ and have tons of fun. I don’t want to give too much away but there is also a new Oryany bag in the show. I rarely carry a handbag, but Oryany is one of my uber favs. And I’m hoping-praying-begging for some GILI in the show Monday. (I own like 4 of their leather jackets, and just bought a silver GILI clutch. A girl could go broke doing this job. Anyone have a spare room for me if I spend my way out of house and home??)