I didn’t date much and I wasn’t voted Homecoming Queen, but I was involved in just about everything else while in high school.
My senior portrait
I loved being a cheerleader for both basketball and football for all four years, jumping up and down, doing the splits, hooting and hollering for our team and wondering if any of the jocks would ever ask me out. They didn't
I also loved to sing! I was in the school choir and competed at a lot of music contests. I also sang in two different high school singing groups from my church that toured around the Midwest, ministering at various churches.
The true highlight of these years was being in our champion high school band. Our band was rated as one of the top bands in the country. I was one of the head majorettes for parades and a field commander who directed the music on a podium during a field show on the football field. This was a great experience in self- discipline, endurance and teamwork, which earned us first place trophies at almost every parade for a period of about four to five years. It also earned us the opportunity to travel to several locations, such as Florida, Washington, D.C., Alberta, Canada, and most memorable to me, the Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena, during the Bicentennial year of 1976! What a gorgeous parade route that was, but seven miles long! My feet ached for days from those high-heeled, knee-high, white go-go boots!
I was the head majorette when our band went to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena. We visited Marineland and this photo appeared in our local newspaper.
Needless to say, I wasn’t around much to help Mom with the dishes, but my parents always made sure I found time for studying and part-time secretarial work during the summer to earn money for college.
You don't realize until you're older how experiences even in high school prepare you for your future career and help build your character and reputation. Even though I wasn't asked about by a jock, I wouldn't change a thing!
Counting our blessings,
Mary Beth Roe