When I was a child, Easter was a very exciting time. We went out and got new dresses and new shoes (usually white patent leather). On Easter Sunday, our family went to church in the morning, then we participated in the fun Easter egg hunt in the church courtyard afterwards.
Lauren at the Easter egg hunt:
After all the activities, we would head to my grandparents, pile into their tiny row home, and settle down for an early dinner of Cornish game hens, long grain and wild rice, and green beans. We’d eat and eat until we couldn't move, and then sit down together to watch the Ten Commandments. I treasure these memories so dearly and my husband and I have continued them with our daughters to this day. My grandparents have long since passed away, but I hope they are proud that I’ve held onto their legacy and traditions.
Chelsea enjoying her Easter basket:
Lauren rocking the patent cross body bag with matching shoes:
As an adult, I’ve really come to appreciate the entire Holy Week experience, living fully in the darkness of the events of the week, then springing forth into the joy of Easter Sunday. I love the music and incense (or as we call it, “smells and bells”). We enjoy the secular celebration of Easter, but the true reason for the season is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
What are some of your most treasured traditions of the holiday?
Don’t forget to check out my Facebook page for our Mid-Week Sneak Peek (#MWSP) item and if you haven’t already, be sure to like my page to get updates each week.
Tune in Friday 4/3 at 10pm with Pat and me for Fashionably Late for a fun, relaxing night in before the weekend celebrations.
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend with your friends and family!
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