The start of spring has always meant Easter in my world. It was a time to make memories and enjoy fun times with my family. Growing up, I remember one of my favorite things was receiving new Easter outfits. They were complete with Easter hats, a purse, and patent shoes for church…I felt so stylish! Here I am on Easter with my sister Deb and my father.
Of course, I continued the tradition with my daughter, Nikki. This is when she was little, dolled up in her own Easter best.
And here is the only picture I have of her visiting the Easter bunny.
As a kid I always looked forward to the Easter basket, of course. I remember getting these beautiful sugared eggs in my basket.
I also loved the penny hunt in our back yard. My mom and dad wrapped pennies, quarters, and dimes in foil and hid them all around our yard. Everyone in the neighborhood was invited to join the fun. My sisters and I continued the tradition with our families too...Nikki just said she was texting her cousins and laughing about the penny hunt at Nanna and Grandad's every year. Apparently my youngest nephew was good at convincing the girls that pennies were better while he collected their quarters! LOL.
Another fun memory…I remember creating "bunny tracks" when Nikki and my shepherd Misty were really young. I helped the Easter bunny by creating tracks leading to the baskets in the house. As I made them with cotton balls and powder, Misty followed behind and licked them off of the carpet. :)
To decorate, my mom would hang eggs in cherry tree branches in our house. Easter afternoon, my family would eat a special ham dinner and enjoy time together. Today, I still love to decorate for each holiday, and of course I love seeing my loved ones around me. It's all about making new memories. I rely on Valerie Parr Hill decorations to set the stage for celebration.
DIY projects are a lot of fun, too. Jelly beans are a cheap way to add color to candles. The trick is to keep from snacking on them before the big day! ;)
And of course, I always put up special Sunday school artwork.
Thank you for sharing in my traditions and I hope you will share yours with me too… I hope you have a blessed holiday! :)
Please join Jayne and me for Fashionably Late on Friday at 10pm ET. Check my Facebook page later today for our Mid-Week Sneak Peek…and enjoy the rest of your week! See you Friday!
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