Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is having a great summer. It goes by fast doesn't it? I had such a great time during my last shows in July. NOW busy getting ready for my Designer Day show QVC and sharing my new and continued favorite pieces with you… planning our hour together….hours away…Thursday, August 29th at 2 AM EST.
Just a quick fun picture I wanted to share from last weekend. I am so blessed to be only 10 minutes from the tranquil Mediterranean sea with waves of every color imaginable of greens and blues. This was my first time with my niece Aya and her twin Yotam. We splashed in the ocean and she had so much fun. One of the most important times for me is spent with my beautiful family.
Now, back in the States and preparing for my Designer Day show!!! I have made some very special pieces of Hagit Jewelry for this show…a ring inspired by my favorite Southwestern artist, she has captured on canvas everything from mesmerizing desert flowers to a bleached white cow skull yes I know you know who she is … and another piece that is a first time ever for me at QVC and took all my teams skills and lots of close direction to bring this piece to life…can't wait to share! OK I hope I have your interest…full day of preparation to be set for our 2 AM get together….keep in touch anytime on my Facebook page. Your stories always inspire me!
All the best,