I LOVE my Marvelush scarf! It is so soft and cozy. I sure wish you could touch it through the screen, as it is almost impossible to describe just how soft the material feels. Here's a close-up picture to give you somewhat of an idea.

I always have a lot of fun deciding how to wear my scarves. Sometimes I'll wear them wrapped tightly around my neck with my winter coat -- other times I'll wear them draped loosely over a sweater or a shirt to add a pop of color. I’ve done the “euro-knot” and the “ascot”, and the simple “loop” is often my go-to style. The Marvelush scarf really is one of my all-time favorite items ever from QVC. In fact, I see them worn here a lot at QVC and I am often intrigued how others wear and style their scarves. Here's a video that might help you. It's from the Co-founder of the marvelush scarf, Beth Terrell, showing you five different ways to wear a scarf.
Take an all black outfit and add a simple fuschia scarf and your look is instantly transformed. Scarves are fun and always make terrific gifts. I'll show you a set of two tomorrow morning duringAM Style. Hey, one for you and one to give away!
And here's another video from my friend, Shawn Killinger, with her take on scarf tying:
You should be an expert on scarf tying after watching both of those videos.
See you in the morning for THREE hours of AM Style as we celebrate Accessorize Your Fall!
What's your favorite way to don a scarf?
Best wishes,